2018-19 DIP projects
Curo Martinez Mora & Nathaniel Patel (Economics)
Using TopHat to facilitate teacher – student interaction and feedback in large classrooms, by testing an economic dilemma for students that students vote on.
Georgio Patsiaouras (recruiting student)
Georgio is interested in improving the student experience of distance learning, by making elements of his modules more interactive and engaging. Options being considered include developing online interactive tutorials, exploring the advanced functionality available in Blackboard or developing real-time, unfolding scenarios.
2017-18 DIP Projects

Jeremy Turner, School of Business
(Digital Advocate)
Amelia Reed & Matt Allen, School of Business
(Student Digital Associate & Staff Digital Innovator)
Producing an interactive map of the campus for new students, which captures the space, place and physicality. This will familiarise new students with the university campus before they arrive.
Gina Fox, Criminology
(Digital Advocate)

Taylor Bowers & Claire Vanneck, Criminology
(Student Digital Associate & Staff Digital Innovator)
Creating vlogs to enhance the process of creating dissertations for current students.
Poppy Crow, Joeseph Lubinski, Hayal Tapki & Andrew Newton, Criminology
(Student Digital Associates & Staff Digital Innovator)
Enhancing the accessibility of course materials for all students using digital applications.
Anthony Berry, Law
(Digital Advocate)

Edward Jones & Pascale Lorber, Law
(Student Digital Associate & Staff Digital Innovator)
Working on the creation of digital materials, such as an app to aid Distance Learning students in Law. The idea would be to pull existing Distance Learning resources together in one place.